Health Room

Welcome to the Kratzer Elementary School Health Room

Latasha Snyder

Hello Kratzer family!

I am your school nurse Latasha Snyder and I live in Salisbury Township in Allentown, PA. I started my nursing career in July 2017.  I attended Luzerne County Community College in Nanticoke, PA obtaining an Associate degree in Nursing and then obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Nursing at Chamberlain University online.  I gained nursing experience working at LVHN in low level cardiac progressive care and acute care hemodialysis in the hospital, then transitioned to outpatient Ob/Gyn before having the opportunity to begin my career working in the school system as a health room assistant in February 2021 with Salisbury Township SD. I completed the Certified School Nurse (CSN) program with Slippery Rock University online in January 2022. I am experienced in caring for students in all grades K-12. I started as the CSN at Kratzer in the 22/23 school year and so grateful to be here! Becoming a school nurse is what I’ve always wanted to do and I continue to look forward to assisting with each student in maintaining optimal health while here. Please contact me with any questions or concerns you may have concerning your child’s health. I am here to help in any way I can!


My email address is  You can also reach me in the health room suite at 610.351.5820 ext. 21520. Fax 610.351.5829

Hope you all have a safe and healthy year! :)

Latasha Snyder BSN, RN, CSN

Remember the Essentials of Good Health for your child.

They should:

1. Get 9-10 hours of sleep

2. Enjoy well balanced meals and snacks that include a variety of five fruits and vegetables each day.

3. Keep physically active for at least 60 minutes a day and limit TV/computer/video game time to 2 hours daily.

4. See their dentist for a dental cleaning and check up twice a year.

5. Wash their hands frequently to stop the spread of germs at home and at school.


  • VISION ( near and far) annually for all grades
  • HEARING annually for grades kindergarten – 3
  • HEIGHT, WEIGHT AND BODY MASS INDEX annually for all grades

*Growth and Development for all 5th Grade students
* Dental Health
* Instruction to promote increased awareness of the short and long term health and wellness benefits of physical activity and by making healthy food choices.

Visit the Health Services Page on the Parkland School District website for information about: